Aaron’s credentials

Aaron began his studies in martial arts in the late 90s with Taekwondo. He quickly was moved up to the position of assistant instructor and attained his black belt in Taekwondo in 2000. He continued his studies into college exploring other styles (Shotokan Karate, Jeet Kwan Do, & Hapkido), and under the direct tutelage of a 5th degree black belt in Pasa Ryu was taken through that system up to black belt level. This same teacher was the one who introduced Aaron to Internal Kung Fu and taught him some of the Yin Style Baguazhang system. After graduating college and moving to Asheville in 2006, Aaron began studying at a school that taught Chen Tai Chi, Dragon Baguazhang, Praying Mantis, and a style called Tao style that was created by the head instructor along with many weapons forms. He studied there for 14 years and mastered its entire curriculum. In the year 2013, the instructor at that school gave Aaron his blessing to open Dragon Phoenix.

In 2021, Aaron decided to further pursue his studies and seek out higher teachers. He learned Xing Yi, and refined his Chen Tai Chi by studying the works of the great masters. In 2023 was invited to become an Inner Door Disciple of Li Chunling, a fifth generation Cheng Baguazhang Master. In accepting this responsibility it is his duty to teach and promote Cheng Baguazhang, and to share the secrets of this style to students who prove themselves through dedication to the art.

Li Chunling is one of the top Inner Door Disciples of the late Sun Zhijun. Sun Zhijun was considered one of the greatest Baguazhang masters in the world while he was living and was one of the few masters who understood Baguazhang first as a martial style and could use it very effectively for self defense.